It’s really a surprise for me to won this amazing award. I like to thank God and my Mom for this award.

And thanks to my fellow Bloggers/Followers who supported me and like my work, and thanks to my friend Nisha who assisted me on some of my blog post and co-created Sunday Scenic Shots with me, my blog is nothing without all of you, so thank you so much for all of your support everyone.

Also I really like to thank Whitney who nominated me for this award. You really give me an awesome surprise. Whitney you really saw something versatile in my blog and believed in my writing. You really give me a boost to write more awesome and amazing stuff. This award comes at a time when i really wanted an encouragement. Thank you once again Whitney, because you believe in my blog. You are such an amazing person and your blog reflects your inner strength and beauty.

Hey Guys Check out Whitney’s Amazing Blog here: whitneyibeblog

Here are the Rules of Versatile Blogger Award:

  • You have to thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog!
  • Link the nominees and tell them about their nomination
  • Nominate at least 15 bloggers of your choice
  • Share 7 facts about yourself

7 Facts about Me:

  1. I love to create or design something new everyday.
  2. I am huge Star Wars, Game of Thrones, & Harry Potter Fan.
  3. I love to Travel alone.
  4. I love Calm and Quite places to hang out.
  5. I am a Digital Designer, Blogger, and an Amateur Photographer.
  6. I believe in Unconditional Love.
  7. I believe that Simplicity is the greatest beauty of a person and Never Judge a Person by its external appearance.

And I have nominated the following blogs and bloggers:

Evelina at Evelina Di Lauro
Ellen Burne at Travelling The World Solo
Ula at simple Ula
Cari at Cari’s Corner
renxkyoko at renxkyoko’s space
Abhishek Choubey at GINGERSHOUTS
Nigar zindani at Nigar zindani
Andrea at Cooking with a Wallflower
Millie Schmidt at millie schmidt writes… with cats
The Little Mermaid at The Little Mermaid
Moco-Choco at Moco-Choco
Akkshara kiran shetty at Sallyporte
The girl who fear oblivion at Thegirlwhofearoblivion
Romy Ras at Saved and Blessed

Happy Blogging Everyone!! Registered & Protected C9K9-VNOP-BREX-3SBF