

INSPIRATION is everywhere all you have to do is IMAGINE


Guest Blogs

Guest Blog: 10 Reasons Why People Make Excuses for Bullies

Down through the ages, either at school, the workplace, or the community, Continue reading “Guest Blog: 10 Reasons Why People Make Excuses for Bullies”

Guest Blog: Mentally Strong!!

Recently we have observed World mental health day on October 10th. Remember?! Continue reading “Guest Blog: Mentally Strong!!”

Guest Blog: The Lonely Soul!!

She looks upon the sky…
Loved the picturesque view of clouds and sun playing side by side…
She stands still there Continue reading “Guest Blog: The Lonely Soul!!”

Guest Blog: Why are you here?

You’re right, this is another redundant attempt to understand the ‘purpose of life’, if there’s any. Looks like it is a question that will stick with the human race forever… Continue reading “Guest Blog: Why are you here?”

Guest Blog: TEA – Debunked!

Hi everyone! Before I go any further, I want to thank Himanshu for allowing me to write a guest post for his blog. I appreciate this wonderful opportunity. Continue reading “Guest Blog: TEA – Debunked!”

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